Thursday, January 03, 2008

Subscribe to my Blog

Some of you may have already noticed, but I have recently made a small change to the links over on the right side of the page.

You can now click on one of them and confirm for a subscription to my blog via e-mail. Each time I update with a new post, it will then be conveniently delivered to your e-mail inbox, eliminating having to keep checking my site for updates. Of course, if your inbox is already cluttered and you'd prefer not to, you can keep visiting my blog for regular posts.

I thought adding this feature may make it more convenient for some of my readers to keep up to date on everything happening here in Zhanjiang!

I have been testing this service out for the last couple of posts and it is working fine. The only minor problem I noticed was that the first few e-mails were delivered to my spam box, which I fixed by setting them to "not spam." So, if you do choose to sign up for e-mail updates, you may want to keep an eye on your spam box at first.

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